Mix Precision

This chapter takes yolov3 tiny as examples to introduce how to use mix precision。 This model is from <https://github.com/onnx/models/tree/main/vision/object_detection_segmentation/tiny-yolov3>。

This chapter requires the following files (where xxxx corresponds to the actual version information):

tpu-mlir_xxxx.tar.gz (The release package of tpu-mlir)

Load tpu-mlir

The following operations need to be in a Docker container. For the use of Docker, please refer to Setup Docker Container.

$ tar zxf tpu-mlir_xxxx.tar.gz
$ source tpu-mlir_xxxx/envsetup.sh

envsetup.sh adds the following environment variables:

Environment variables






The location of the SDK package after decompression



The location of the model-zoo folder, at the same level as the SDK

envsetup.sh modifies the environment variables as follows:

export PATH=${TPUC_ROOT}/bin:$PATH
export PATH=${TPUC_ROOT}/python/tools:$PATH
export PATH=${TPUC_ROOT}/python/utils:$PATH
export PATH=${TPUC_ROOT}/python/test:$PATH
export PATH=${TPUC_ROOT}/python/samples:$PATH
export MODEL_ZOO_PATH=${TPUC_ROOT}/../model-zoo

Prepare working directory

Create a yolov3_tiny directory, note that it is the same level as tpu-mlir, and put both model files and image files into the yolov3_tiny directory.

The operation is as follows:

 $ mkdir yolov3_tiny && cd yolov3_tiny
 $ wget https://github.com/onnx/models/raw/main/vision/object_detection_segmentation/tiny-yolov3/model/tiny-yolov3-11.onnx
 $ cp -rf $TPUC_ROOT/regression/dataset/COCO2017 .
 $ mkdir workspace && cd workspace

$TPUC_ROOT is an environment variable, corresponding to the tpu-mlir_xxxx directory.

Sample for onnx

detect_yolov3.py is a python program, to run yolov3_tiny model.

The operation is as follows:

$ detect_yolov3.py \
     --model ../tiny-yolov3-11.onnx \
     --input ../COCO2017/000000366711.jpg \
     --output yolov3_onnx.jpg

The print result as follows:


And get result image yolov3_onnx.jpg, as below( yolov3_tiny ONNX ):

To INT8 symmetric model

Step 1: To F32 mlir

$ model_transform.py \
    --model_name yolov3_tiny \
    --model_def ../tiny-yolov3-11.onnx \
    --input_shapes [[1,3,416,416]] \
    --scale 0.0039216,0.0039216,0.0039216 \
    --pixel_format rgb \
    --keep_aspect_ratio \
    --pad_value 128 \
    --output_names=transpose_output1,transpose_output \
    --mlir yolov3_tiny.mlir

Step 2: Gen calibartion table

$ run_calibration.py yolov3_tiny.mlir \
    --dataset ../COCO2017 \
    --input_num 100 \
    -o yolov3_cali_table

Step 3: To model

$ model_deploy.py \
    --mlir yolov3_tiny.mlir \
    --quantize INT8 \
    --calibration_table yolov3_cali_table \
    --chip bm1684x \
    --model yolov3_int8.bmodel

Step 4: Run model

$ detect_yolov3.py \
     --model yolov3_int8.bmodel \
     --input ../COCO2017/000000366711.jpg \
     --output yolov3_int8.jpg

The print result as follows, indicates that one target is detected:


And get image yolov3_int8.jpg, as below( yolov3_tiny int8 symmetric ):

It can be seen that the int8 symmetric quantization model performs poorly compared to the original model on this image and only detects one target.

To Mix Precision Model

After int8 conversion, do these commands as beflow.

Step 1: Gen quantization table

Use run_qtable.py to gen qtable, parameters as below:

run_qtable.py parameters






mlir file



Directory of input samples. Images, npz or npy files are placed in this directory



The sample list (cannot be used together with “dataset”)



Name of calibration table file



The platform that the model will use. Support bm1684x/bm1684/cv183x/cv182x/cv181x/cv180x.



Specifies the type of float used for mixing precision. Support auto,F16,F32,BF16. Default is auto, indicating that it is automatically selected by program



The number of sample, default 10



Specify the minimum cos value for the expected final output layer of the network. The default is 0.99. The smaller the value, the more layers may be set to floating-point



Specify the minimum cos expected per layer, below which an attempt is made to set the fp32 calculation. The default is 0.99



Specifies a debug command string for development. It is empty by default



output quantization table

The operation is as follows:

$ run_qtable.py yolov3_tiny.mlir \
    --dataset ../COCO2017 \
    --calibration_table yolov3_cali_table \
    --min_layer_cos 0.999 \ #If the default 0.99 is used here, the program detects that the original int8 model already meets the cos of 0.99 and simply stops searching
    --expected_cos 0.9999 \
    --chip bm1684x \
    -o yolov3_qtable

The final output after execution is printed as follows:

int8 outputs_cos:0.999317
mix model outputs_cos:0.999739
Output mix quantization table to yolov3_qtable
total time:44 second

Above, int8 outputs_cos represents the cos similarity between original network output of int8 model and fp32; mix model outputs_cos represents the cos similarity of network output after mixing precision is used in some layers; total time represents the search time of 44 seconds. In addition,get quantization table yolov3_qtable, context as below:

# op_name   quantize_mode
convolution_output11_Conv F16
model_1/leaky_re_lu_2/LeakyRelu:0_LeakyRelu F16
model_1/leaky_re_lu_2/LeakyRelu:0_pooling0_MaxPool F16
convolution_output10_Conv F16
convolution_output9_Conv F16
model_1/leaky_re_lu_4/LeakyRelu:0_LeakyRelu F16
model_1/leaky_re_lu_5/LeakyRelu:0_LeakyRelu F16
model_1/leaky_re_lu_5/LeakyRelu:0_pooling0_MaxPool F16
model_1/concatenate_1/concat:0_Concat F16

In the table, first col is layer name, second is quantization type. Also full_loss_table.txt is generated, context as blow:

# chip: bm1684x  mix_mode: F16
No.0   : Layer: convolution_output11_Conv                            Cos: 0.984398
No.1   : Layer: model_1/leaky_re_lu_5/LeakyRelu:0_LeakyRelu          Cos: 0.998341
No.2   : Layer: model_1/leaky_re_lu_2/LeakyRelu:0_pooling0_MaxPool   Cos: 0.998500
No.3   : Layer: convolution_output9_Conv                             Cos: 0.998926
No.4   : Layer: convolution_output8_Conv                             Cos: 0.999249
No.5   : Layer: model_1/leaky_re_lu_4/LeakyRelu:0_pooling0_MaxPool   Cos: 0.999284
No.6   : Layer: model_1/leaky_re_lu_1/LeakyRelu:0_LeakyRelu          Cos: 0.999368
No.7   : Layer: model_1/leaky_re_lu_3/LeakyRelu:0_LeakyRelu          Cos: 0.999554
No.8   : Layer: model_1/leaky_re_lu_1/LeakyRelu:0_pooling0_MaxPool   Cos: 0.999576
No.9   : Layer: model_1/leaky_re_lu_3/LeakyRelu:0_pooling0_MaxPool   Cos: 0.999723
No.10  : Layer: convolution_output12_Conv                            Cos: 0.999810

This table is arranged smoothly according to the cos from small to large, indicating the cos calculated by this Layer after the precursor layer of this layer has been changed to the corresponding floating-point mode. If the cos is still smaller than the previous parameter min_layer_cos, this layer and its immediate successor layer will be set to floating-point calculation。 run_qtable.py calculates the output cos of the whole network every time the neighboring two layers are set to floating point. If the cos is larger than the specified expected_cos, the search is withdrawn. Therefore, if you set a larger expected_cos value, you will try to set more layers to floating point。

Step 2: Gen mix precision model

$ model_deploy.py \
    --mlir yolov3_tiny.mlir \
    --quantize INT8 \
    --quantize_table yolov3_qtable \
    --calibration_table yolov3_cali_table \
    --chip bm1684x \
    --model yolov3_mix.bmodel

Step 3: run mix precision model

$ detect_yolov3.py \
     --model yolov3_mix.bmodel \
     --input ../COCO2017/000000366711.jpg \
     --output yolov3_mix.jpg

The print result as follows:


And get image yolov3_mix.jpg , as below( yolov3_tiny mix ):

It can be seen that targets that cannot be detected in int8 model can be detected again with the use of mixing precision.